Hello Sam and happy 32nd birthday. Yet another of birthday without you. Unfortunately there is no big get together for your birthday this year. It is really hard and both your mum and I find it very difficult around this time. You can imagine after such a long time since you left us, it still gets very raw as you are so deeply missed every day but especially on days like today. A few changes since your last birthday. Amber Nectar has left junior school to join Pheebs at senior school in the new term. Both the girls are very lovely and fun to be around. Han's cleaning business is going from strength to strength. She has developed an impressive list of clients from this area and we are both very proud of her. Mum is mum holding it all together and makes me smile everyday. I don’t know what I would do with out her and lets hope I never find out. Sam I love you mate. You created a big hole in my heart that will never be repaired. I miss you so very very much. Again Happy 32nd Birthday Sam. XXXXXXXXX.