Surprise with Grandad


Created by tonyphillips 14 years ago
Sam and Hannah Came to stay for a few days, Saturday morning Hannah went with Nanny June to help in the hairdressers, me grandad had the privilege of looking after Sam, If he was good I had a surprise for him. As soon as he got up Saturday morning it was " Is it time to go yet, why are we waiting?". at nine thirty we are off. Just to get the flavour of the morning I asked Sam if he thought Mum and Dad were missing him his reply had me in fits "YOU WISHED", any way we arrive at Macdonalds childrens open farm, Sam just sat there with a look of disgust, " this is not a surprise this is a farm, I´m not getting out, I did and told him he could stay in the van and I walked across the car park, after a few minutes he followed and we had a great morning.