Hello Sammykins! On Sunday me, John and Emma did an evening walk for the Willow Foundation, the charity that took you, Mum, Dad and Han on the helicopter ride over London. Well while we were there we met the founder of the charity and his wife, he happens to be a veteran Arsenal goal keeper (from the 70’s, so very old), his name is Bob Wilson, he started the charity because he lost his daughter to cancer 11 years ago, she was a community nurse and she always felt that there was something missing for seriously ill people between the age of 16 -40, Anyway we all wore our t-shirts with your photo on and Bob wanted to know all about you! So we told him how cheeky you are and that you are a massive Arsenal fan, he was very impressed! John told him that he always keeps an eye on Arsenal for you and lets you know the scores! But Bob said wherever you are no doubt you are always watching! It was a lovely evening, you would have liked Bob, he was a really nice bloke, so was his wife. Love and miss you so much Sam, Its beyond words, Love Auntie Jane xxxxxxxx