Sam, do you remember when we all (you 4 and us Bells) went to Weymouth one summer, you had your 3rd birthday while we were there. We were on the beach, all you kids had been on the trampolines, which were right up the other end of the beach. It was now lunch time, right by were we were sitting a Punch and Judy show was about to start, all the girls wanted to go but you were not too keen, you were told to go with Hannah and that you would really like it! Martin stayed with me and your Mum (we could see you from where we were sitting), Your Dad and John had gone to the pub! The show was only on for about 15 minutes, anyway once it had finished the girls came back to us and as the same time your dad and John came back from the pub, someone said where is Sam? Immediately we ask Hannah where you were and she said you didn’t like the show and decide to come back to us! but You didn’t do that did you? You wandered off! The beach was packed and it was a really hot day, and you were nowhere in sight! We were all frantic, all the kids started to get upset especially Hannah, your dad went off to look for you in one direction, John in another, your mum stayed with the girls and Martin (in case you came back) and I went to the other end of the beach, thinking… would he have come this far? Anyway I thought I had better have a look near the trampolines, and there you were….. in the queue! I couldn’t believe it! I grabbed hold of you and said why didn’t you stay at the Punch and Judy show? You said you didn’t like Punch and Judy and wanted another go on the trampolines! I picked you up and started to walk back towards the others when I saw your Dad coming towards us, he did not look best pleased! Very worried but relieved that you had been found. Once he had got nearer he started shouting and telling me to hand you over, but I wouldn’t until he promise me you wouldn’t get a smack!!! He grabbed you off me and started to give you a good telling off followed by a big hug and no smack!!! What a relieve…. So So miss you Sam, Auntie Jane xxxx