Oh Sammykins, so sad you are not here but you will be pleased to know the sweetie bowl is out! I rememer your last xmas so well, it was one of the best and one of the things I remember is that when I told you and Hannah that there were no sacks because you did not beleive, you then both left a letter and mince pie for Santa, it was so funny and made my night and I later found out you knew you had sacks anyway becuase you had seen them behind the sofa, but you both did it for me, i still have the letter.I also remember how excited you was when Dad bought in a big box and you found out it was for you, you had the biggest smile on your face. Wish so much you was here for another big box which I feel would probably contain a DJ hero for xbox. Love you so much Sam, you will be with us all day tomorrow as you always are. Lots of love Mum xxxxx